During my four-plus decades in the trade, I've picked up more than my share of HVAC industry slang. Here are a few of my favorites:
tin can: a hermetically sealed A/C or refrigeration compressor
The unit is blowing warm air because the tin can is shot.
quick pick: removal by crane or forklift of an old rooftop unit, immediately followed by replacement with a new unit. Also known as one up/one down.
The quick pick is scheduled for Thursday morning.
screamer: 1. an exhaust fan running at a very high speed; 2. a fast-paced project
No time to talk, we’ve got a screamer.
dump box: variable air volume (VAV) bypass terminal
Check the airflow on those dump boxes.
sweater: a large amount of dirt and pollen caked on an air-cooled condenser
From the looks of that sweater, it's no wonder the A/C isn't working.
CRAC split: split computer room air conditioning unit that utilizes a condenser
Please fix that CRAC split quickly.
Mit split: Mitsubishi ductless mini-split HVAC system
We quoted them on a new Mit split.
knockdown reg: a natural gas or steam regulator
The problem could be a bad knockdown reg with those pressure fluctuations.
drive: variable frequency drive (VFD)
The service technician drove to the facility to check the drive.
stick: the straight boom of a crane
The unit is hooked up and the stick is ready to go.
pop four corners: the act of prying the corners of a rooftop HVAC unit from its curb to ensure it lifts away freely during its removal
Pop those four corners, the crane will be here any minute.
"cut us loose": a request to a client for project approval
Cut us loose so we can get going on this job ASAP.